In the MT4 account on the Tokyo server, symbol names are displayed differently for the same currency pair, depending on the maximum trading volume per trade. The details are as follows.
After the currency pair, the three added symbol names [oj5k], [oj1m], and [oj3m] are shown.
The maximum transaction volumes per trade are as follows.
oj5k: delivery rates from 10,000 to 500,000 currency trading volume
oj1m: delivery rates from 10,000 to 1,000,000 currency trading volume
oj3m: delivery rates from 10,000 to 3,000,000 currency trading volume
Please use different symbols depending on the order quantity you trade
When you connect to the Tokyo server, you cannot trade from a 1,000 currency trading volume (0.01 lot). If you wish to trade in a 1,000 currency trade volume, please choose the NY server.
Please acknowledge that it is not possible to hide [oj5k], [oj1m], and [oj3m].